Oh? What’s this we see? Is that EXID’s Jeonghwa trying out one of our latest products? Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ll know that Althea’s created the Real Fresh Skin Detoxers in collaboration with Get It Beauty. They are our current favorite way to cleanse and pamper the skin at the same time, and it seems to be one of their member’s too! Here’s what this Lady thinks and how she incorporates it into her beauty regime!

Jeonghwa has chosen the Rose version to hydrate the skin, and she mentions that she really likes that there are real rose pieces within the formula. She applies on a generous layer onto the skin, then leaves it on for 10 seconds before rinsing off.

When washing it away, she gently massages the skin to exfoliate it, giving the skin a thorough cleanse. This leaves her skin feeling hydrated, smooth and plump to the touch! She mentions that she really likes the scent it leaves behind too.

After cleansing, she massages her face and neck to help release toxins from the lymph nodes. This help to reduce face swelling as well as keep your double chin in check!
Ah, what a beauty, isn't she? Check out Jeonghwa's beauty routine above and follow it with Althea's Real Fresh Skin Detoxers! Both the Rose and Green Tea versions are exclusively available on Althea's site, and you can get them from one of the links down below (depending on your country). What do you guys think of the Real Fresh Skin Detoxers? What's your favorite EXID song? Let us know in the comments below!
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